I miss the NY Neo-Futurists.
The time I spent with them was the most productive artistic period of my life. While in the show, I was writing 2-10 minutes of performable material per week. While that may not sound like much, imagine being tasked with creating scripts ready to be produced for a New York audience every week. It's Herculean to say the least when you consider that these folks not only help run the company and have day jobs because theatre doesn't pay the bills.
You may ask yourself how this is possible. It's because I was supported by a group of individuals so dedicated and so talented that their collective creative output can only be described as a juggernaut.
"Right." you say. "But what does it look like?"
Good question.
Read MoreI am excited to be once more performing with the NY Neo-Futurists in the very special 24-Hour Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind.
The 24-Hour TMLMTBGB celebrates the NY Neo-Futurists turning 10 as a company.
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