AppList - OAuth
# Google Authenticator
I use Google Authenticator for 2-Factor authentication (added security when logging into various services).
"So what does that mean?" you may be asking. Here’s an example. I have 2-Factor turned on for Gmail. So when I am on a computer that I have not told Google to trust yet, I first log in with my username and password. I am then presented with another screen which requests a 6 digit code from Google Authenticator. I launch Google Authenticator. It generates a random 6 digit code every minute. So in order for someone to steal my identity, they need to steal my username, password, phone, unlock code for my phone, and use the randomized 6 digit code from said phone. Like I said, added security.
Wikipedia: [Google Authenticator - Wikipedia]( "Google Authenticator - Wikipedia")
Open Source Project Page: [google-authenticator]( "google-authenticator")
iTunes Link: [Google Authenticator - iTunes]( "Google Authenticator - iTunes")
Google Play Link: [Google Authenticator - Google Play]( "Google Authenticator - iTunes")